Who's Who in Frontiers of Science and Technology

2nd Edition

ALEXANDER, RONALD CLIFFORD, computer scientist; b. Portland, Oreg., Sept. 20, 1949, s. Raymond Eugene and Arlene Katherine Bertha (Schmeckpepper) A.; m. Kay Ann Joncas, Apr. 22, 1972, A.A. Portland Community Coll., 1971; B.S. in Math., SUNY-Albany, 1978; B.S.E.E. U. Portland, 1979; Optical computer researcher Oreg. Grad. Ctr., Beaverton, 1979-80; automatic test system designer Naval Undersea Weapons Engrng. Sta., Keyport, Wash., 1980-82; evaluation engr. Harry Diamond Labs., Adelphi, Md., 1982-83; quality engr. Intel Systems, Hillsboro, Or., 1984--; tng. cons. Emanuel Hosp., Portland, 1971-73; Bonneville Power Adminstrn., Portland, 1979-80; theater ads on film, Portland, 1969--. Patentee interface for HPATS-80, event driven susceptiblity measurements. Trustee Portland Highland Games Assn., 1978--; founder Met. Hospitals Credit Union, Portland, 1972. Served with USN, 1973-77. Mem. IEEE, Internat. Test and Evaluation Assn. (charter), Eta Kappa Nu, Theta Beta. Democrat. Lutheran. Clubs: Clan Donald (Oreg. state commr., 1978), Mensa. Lodge: Grange. Current work: Application of process logic to manufacturing. Subspecialties: Systems engineering; Operations research (engineering). Home 57740 Timber Rd E Vernonia OR 97064 Office: Intel Systems 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy Hillsboro OR 97123

Since my Command (HDL) submitted the entry as I left for Intel:

errata: B.S. in Math., U of St of NY (regents), Albany;--; optical computer researcher (fellow) Oreg. Grad. Ctr., Beaverton, 1979-80;--; tactical radiatian effects eval. engr. Harry Diamond Labs., Adelphi, Md., 1982-83;--; simulator design Bonneville Power Adminstrn., Portland, 1979-80;--; Theater Ads on Film, Portland, 1969--;--; Course author interface design for HPATS-80, event driven susceptiblity measurements.;--; Served with USN (nuclear submarines), 1973-77.

What it was in 1986...

ALEXANDER, RONALD CLIFFORD, computer scientist; b. Portland, Oreg., Sept. 20, 1949, s. Raymond Eugene and Arlene Katherine Bertha (Schmeckpeper) A.; m. Kay Ann Joncas (aka Addie Lee J.), Apr. 22, 1972, A.A. Portland Community Coll., 1971; B.S. in Math., U of St of NY (regents), Albany; B.S.E.E. U. Portland, 1979; optical computer researcher (fellow) Oreg. Grad. Ctr., Beaverton, 1979-80; automatic test system designer Naval Undersea Weapons Engrng. Sta., Keyport, Wash., 1980-82; tactical radiatian effects eval. engr. Harry Diamond Labs., Adelphi, Md., 1982-83; quality engr. Intel Systems, Hillsboro, Or., 1984-85; application of process logic to manufacturing missile guidance systems GE Ordnance, Pittsfield, MA, and Northrop PPD, Norwood, MA., 1984-85; tng. cons. Emanuel Hosp., Portland, 1971-73; simulator design Bonneville Power Adminstrn., Portland, 1979-80; Theater Ads on Film, Portland, 1969-82. Course author interface design for HPATS-80, event driven susceptiblity measurements. Trustee Portland Highland Games Assn., 1978-82; founder Met. Hospitals Credit Union, Portland, 1972. Served with USN (nuclear submarines), 1973-77. PHS Engr Prof Advis Cmte, 1995-97, Sr. Mem. IEEE, Internat. Test and Evaluation Assn. (charter), Eta Kappa Nu, Theta Beta. Democrat. Lutheran. Clubs: Clan Donald (Oreg. state commr., 1978), Mensa. Lodge: Grange. Current work: Performance evaluation of radiation use control plans. Subspecialties: Systems engineering; Operations research (engineering). Home 13642 Sayre Street Sylmar CA 91342 Office: US Food and Drug Administration District Office 19900 MacArthur Blvd Irvine CA 92612


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